April 26, 2022 12:00 am
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Land and water shipping are the backbone of the global economy. As a shipping company or a company that relies on shipping, you should consider adopting freight consolidation to stay competitive in the current business environment. What Is Freight Consolidation? Freight consolidation encompasses bundling several small shipments going to the same destination into a single truck, container or ship so that they can be shipped together. This cargo consolidation is beneficial to both the shipper and the customer receiving the goods. What are the advantages of freight consolidation? Massive shipping costs saving Some shipment costs like fuel coverage, the scheduling, the... View Article
April 18, 2022 12:00 am
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Here at All Points Transport, our qualified and expert teams deal with hazmat packaging as a regular course of doing business. They are extremely familiar with everything that needs to be done to get those packages safely on to their next destination, and we trust that they will do the right things to make sure the packages get where they need to go. All of that said, we know that many others have questions about hazmat packaging and how it is handled. Thus, we want to take on some of the most frequently asked questions about hazmat packaging. What kind of... View Article
April 4, 2022 12:00 am
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Selling online has become a popular business venture for many aspiring entrepreneurs. Given the potential customer base that you can cultivate by selling online, it’s easy to understand why it has become so popular. Before diving deep into that type of business, you should know that selling goods online is not always that simple. For instance, taking additional steps to secure goods may be necessary before you can ship them out. Fail to take those precautionary measures, and you could put others in danger. That is the case with hazardous materials. Let’s use this opportunity to learn more about those hazardous... View Article
March 1, 2022 7:44 pm
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Shipping hazardous materials requires special care and attention that you don’t necessarily have to put into everything else you ship. The government and various trade organizations regulate the shipment of hazardous materials to ensure the safety of the driver and the end receiver of these products. You will want to follow all the laws and rules regarding the shipment of hazardous materials to retain your ability to do business in the transportation industry. What Is HAZMAT Shipping? HAZMAT shipping is the shipment of potentially dangerous goods across any distance. Hazardous goods can be defined as chemicals that could be harmful to the human body... View Article
March 1, 2022 7:43 pm
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Shipping hazardous materials is no joke and must be taken seriously at all times. As long as proper regulations are maintained and abided by, no one should be harmed by shipping hazardous materials from one location to another. It is only when people get careless and start to underestimate the real risk of hazardous materials that things can get dangerous. We will quickly examine some of the reasons why taking extra caution when shipping hazardous materials is a must-do. Why Proper HAZMAT Shipping Matters More than 10,000 Hazmat shipments were improperly handled in the year 2020. Every Hazmat shipment that... View Article